Jay Hollopeter

I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Southwestern Oklahoma State University with a degree in Studio Art/Commercial Art. I spent the next 20 years doing graphic design for various firms, including one of my own. I have recently moved to doing fine art full time. In a short period of time I have been lucky enough to show work in several galleries across the country including: Stranger Factory in Albuquerque, Grumpy Bert in Brooklyn, Artspace Gallery in Chicago, START gallery in Detroit, Go-Away Garage in Wichita, Zapow Gallery in Asheville, DNA and Graphite galleries in Oklahoma City, El Cuervo and Gasoline Gallery in Los Angeles, Lethal Amounts Gallery in Los Angeles, Art Market Gallery in Knoxville, Robin and Mark Seigle Gallery in Elgin, IL just to name a few. I've also had the opportunity to curate a couple group shows right here in Oklahoma City.

I work primarily in oils and acrylics, although I do venture into ink, marker, graphite and colored pencil. I like to keep my color palette bright and vibrant. My subject matter is influenced by anything from tiki culture, monsters, finks and hot rods, anything kustom kulture and pop culture and even space aliens. Humor has always been very important to me as a subject, so you'll see it as an underlying tone in almost all of my work.

PLEASE NOTE: All artwork and content on this website is legally protected by U.S. & International copyright laws. Under NO circumstances is it permitted for you to use them for any purposes,  without proper and prior permission from Jay Hollopeter.

Unauthorized duplication or usage for any purposes is prohibited by Copyright law and will be prosecuted. We protect our copyright interests. 

Jay Hollopeter retains all of the copyrights to all artwork on this site regardless of having sold the original image.  You must contact Jay in order to use an image for commercial purposes, whether or not you now own the original artwork.   Thank you.